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Ascending concerns about climate change, resource depletion and exploitation leading to environmental degradation has made individuals worldwide turn their attention towards devising solutions for how does recycling help the environment. Whether in home or corporate, adopting sustainable practices is an essential means to ensure a cleaner and greener lifestyle and environment.

Instilling eco-conscious practices help reduce carbon footprint, save money, conserve natural resources and energy and dedicatedly contribute toward environmental stewardship. In this article, we will learn about how acquiring recycling practices at home and in office spaces can lead to environmental sustainability.

Recycling Practices to be Followed at Home

As the saying goes, “Cleanliness starts from your home”, here are some green practices to be followed at home to witness the recycling impact on environment.

  • Segregate Wet and Dry Waste –
  • Setup a recycling station by keeping at least two separate bins for wet and dry waste and ensure to keep them labelled. Recycling dry waste like paper, metal, plastic, glass, etc. helps in reducing deforestation, conserve petroleum, lower emissions, and save energy. On the other hand, wet waste is naturally decomposed in the compost bin.

  • Upcycle Daily Objects –
  • Instead of discarding the daily home essentials like fabric waste, newspaper, cardboard, old furniture, tin cans, etc., you can upcycle them into new objects. Newspapers can be used as gifting wrap; fabric waste can be used to make beautiful upcycled bags, cardboard can be transformed into organizers, etc. This helps reduce waste in the landfills.

  • DIY Recycling –
  • We often discard old, or even slightly broken household items like plastic bottles, mason jars, bags, etc. in bins thinking that they are of no use leading to overflowing landfills and energy wastage. Instead, we can reshape or cut those plastic bottles into creative containers or art pieces. Jars can be redesigned into unique candle holders or vases. You can recycle bags into textile or new bags like crossbody bags, etc.

  • Educate and Participate in Local Recycling Programs –
  • As responsible citizens, we should educate people around about the ways and benefits of recycling and follow the same. Participating in recycling programs is a great way to be aware of the process, and the type of material and products that can be recycled along with sorting methods and collection schedules.

  • Avoid Plastic Bags –
  • Use of plastic bags is a common practice in our households. However, one must know that plastic takes up to 1000 years to decompose therefore, we should avoid using plastic bags and replace them with eco-friendly alternatives like tote bags, travel bags, etc.

    Recycling at home is an efficient and simple way to protect the environment from depleting and preserve natural resources. Adopting sustainable practices at home is not enough to make proper contributions, even corporates should also be a part of the drive for ensuring a greener planet for all.

    Recycling Practices to be Followed by Corporates

    Shifting from the traditional waste management practices like land filling and others, corporates have adopted greener methods like recycling and reusing. Here are some ways corporates are helping the environment become a gem.

  • Waste Reduction –
  • Recycling is the perfect means to minimize waste production. Businesses or companies invest in recycling programs that help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. Such recycling and sustainability methods help conserve valuable landfill space and reduce the environmental impacts related to waste disposal.

  • Conservation of Resources –
  • By managing their resources efficiently, companies reuse materials like paper, glass, metal and plastics reducing the need for raw materials. This practice leads to both reduced waste production and resource consumption of timber, water, minerals, etc. It helps businesses to focus more on research and development and preserving the existing resources for future development.

  • Energy Saving – Does recycling help the environment?
  • Well, recycling saves energy by refraining from producing new materials from raw resources. Recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of the energy required to produce aluminum from its raw materials. By using less energy, corporations can decrease their carbon footprint and mitigate the environmental impact of their operations.

  • Reduced Carbon Emissions – Does recycling help climate change?
  •  Recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with the extraction, processing, and transportation of raw materials. By incorporating recycled materials into their products, corporations can lower their carbon emissions and contribute to combating climate change.

  • Regulatory Compliance and Cost Savings -
  • Many jurisdictions have regulations in place requiring corporations to implement recycling programs and reduce waste. By complying with these regulations, corporations can avoid fines and penalties while also potentially reducing operational costs through waste reduction and resource conservation.

  • Educate Employees –
  • Adopting eco-friendly policies and initiatives involves educating employees about the importance of recycling and climate crisis by organizing related activities in which they can participate. You may organize staff awareness training, craft creative posters and provide employees with eco-friendly laptop bags and other possible things in your welcome kit at the time of joining of a new employee.

    To conclude, amidst the growing environmental degradation and climate crisis, recycling is one of the best solutions to largely control it. Whether at home or office or anywhere else, recycling is helping the environment move towards sustainability. Recycling helps revitalize society to a greener future.


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